While Graystone is in the business of commercial portable storage, we do take time to “smell the roses” within the industry.
This post highlights some of the amazing uses of containers — solutions that truly think “outside the box”, to put the box in place. I’m sure you will agree, these novel approaches to life’s storage problems are certainly worth celebrating!
Cool Homes
If there is one line of adaptation that blows me away, it is the use of containers within the housing industry. We see a huge movement toward Tiny Houses, which opens the way to Container Homes. Identified as a cost-effective solution to providing quality housing options in nonurban areas, the limitless bounds of human imagination are in full bloom.
The photos below depict some wonderful examples of innovative homes built using containers.

Schools Re-imagined
Perhaps even more revolutionary is the adoption of portable containers utilized for schooling purposes. It makes perfect sense — containers are safe, secure, and water tight. These characteristics provide a perfect platform to deliver essential school services.
More interesting, for school facilities where the equipment is expensive and met with suboptimal usage, “containerizing” the equipment and moving it from location to location as needed is a great way to leverage the precious commodity of space. Think electronics and lab equipment for remote schools with low budgets. This too can be complemented by having first-world education facilities create “experiences in a box” and ship these to remote locations — like traveling science shows or other technology demonstrations. My, what a wonderful world!
Below are some examples of interesting uses for schools.

If you would like to share your own ideas about novel container storage, please contact us via our Contact us page, and let us know. We would love to feature your thoughts in upcoming blogs.